“ The church building was also the centre of education in the early days and since it was attached with the Church (Palli) the word ‘Pallikoodam’ evolved in Malayalam for schools.”
In connection with the Missionary Movement in Central Travancore, they started schools in different parts of Travancore and socialised Education giving opportunity to get education even to the marginalised and oppressed in society. The Schools were attached to the churches. The church building was also the centre of education in the early days and since it was attached with the Church (Palli) the word ‘Pallikoodam’ evolved in Malayalam for schools. The CMS High School, Mundiappally was started as a primary school in 1867,with two classes. The first Church Worker Mathai Asan was the headmaster. In the early years the Church Workers also served as the ‘Asan’of the ‘Pallikkodam’
The following were the Church Workers who served as ‘Asans’ in the CMS School
- Mathai Aasan-Mannakkunnil
- Mathan Aasan
- Pulikkathara Varghese Updesi
- K.K.Varghese(Karackal Aasan)
- Kokkoth Mathai Aasan
- Pothan Aasan(Later Rev. M.V. Pothen)
- K.V.Varghese – Kalapparambil
- Kurien Varghese
- M. I. Kurien, Mullappallil-Kuthiravattakkunnel
- K.I. Chacko
In 1915 it became a complete LP School and in 1948 the school became a UP school.Efforts for upgrading our School as a High School were started during the tenure of Rev. C.G. Mathew and the application was submitted to Govt. During the time of Rev. K.C. Koshy and our school was short-listed in the Primary List of upgrading schools of the Govt. Finally during the term of Rev. K.J Chacko, in the year 1983the then UP School was upgrade as a High School. The Govt. order for upgrading was received in the month of August in 1983 and the classes were conducted in the Parish Hall owing to a stay order from the High Court. In 1984 during the time of Rev.K.C. Chacko we obtained an order from The High Court of Kerala for continuing the High School Classes. Now our school is a leading High School in our village. This ‘Alma Mater’ fostered many eminent personalities like Prof. George Koshy, former CSI Synod Secretary and former vice-chairman to the advisory board of Canterbury Archbishop , Dr. Ninan Koshy, former Head of International wing of World Council of Churches (WCC), Mr. A. C. George, National Award winner for Teachers, Dr. V.John the world’s renowned Paediatric Cardiology Surgeon and many others. The School has many infrastructural facilities like Library which won the Best Library Award in 2006. Our former Headmaster, Mr. T.V George (2001-2006) won the State and National Award for Teachers in 2006. In 2007, the school attained cent percent result in SSLC Exam. Moreover, the school bags best results in SSLC Public Examinations. The School has 2 Division from 5th standard, of which one is English Medium division.We have also an attached LP Section. Twenty six staff including Headmaster, and four non teaching staff, work here. The school excel both in curricular and co-curricular activities. The Classes begin at 9.30 am with common prayer followed by Scripture classes. Special Classes are arranged for 10th std. And for the low achievers using multi-media and visual aids. For co-curricular skill attainment, different clubs are formed. The Following are the various clubs
- Junior Red Cross (JRC)
- Maths Club
- Social Science Club
- Science Club
- Eco Club
- Vidhya Rangam Kalasahthya Vedi
- Suraksha Club
- English Club
- Social Service League
- Sanskrit Council
- Sports Club
The Church takes up the School as its Mission to reach the unreachable and supports it well. The Parish supported the school for buying School Buses and Construction of Class rooms Auditorium etc.